Ever since I was a young child, I had dreamed of writing as a career. A couple of years ago, I set up a freelance writing business and while I didn’t know where this would take me, the success of the business has been overwhelming.

Alongside this, I had recently finished and submitted my debut fiction book, His Mother’s Love, to Austin Macauley in the hope that they would fall in love with my characters the way I had. I was so honoured when a few weeks later, a publishing contract appeared in my letterbox. With the success of my business and the upcoming publication of my book, my dreams were becoming a reality.

I waited a long time for the book to go from my raw manuscript to the product it is today; COVID certainly didn’t help, but then we all have been profoundly affected by that! But the day I received an email from AM telling me they were ready with a publication date, my heart went into overdrive.

I don’t write for any other reason than love. There’s something about a blank page that draws you in, compelling you to create. I’ve always had a strange obsession with buying notebooks just to fill the pages with anything that comes to my mind. The joy of seeing a fresh book waiting to be filled with ideas is beyond words.

But reading has always been a passion and the creation of my book, His Mother’s Love was, for me, the ultimate goal. Although, what you see today is far from what I had initially intended for Ed Banbury.

Originally, I had wanted to create a fantasy story involving being trapped in a literal dream. But as I began making notes and plotting out ideas, I realised that I could work with dreams in a different way.

Once you read the book, you will be familiar with Ed’s fight against his nightmares but ultimately, he battles these to make his life better. For me, his complete turnaround seemed more compelling than something that wasn’t real.

When I wrote the last words of my book, I cried. I’d finally given my character the ending he deserved. He isn’t just words on the pages of a book to me, he’s like one of my children. I care so deeply about him and I hope that you enjoy the same bond as you discover his story.

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